Sustainability is very important for us at Florentina Leitner.
We work with a lot of dead stock textiles and fabrics and we buy directly from small fabric stores or use left overs from bigger companies. We produce small collections focused on two strong seasons rather than many to help slow down the fashion world.
The mentality of our collections is transforming trash to treasures and to have a commentary about sustainability and
waste in today’s climate.
The main focuses at Florentina Leitner is excellent design and innovative sustainability,
creating something new out of something old. We reuse rethink and try to reduce. Collaborating with companies
to find new ways to make products more sustainable is our goal.
We mainly print on silk, lycra and cotton and always try to find the best and most eco friendly solutions. All of our silks have "World Fair Trade Organization" and "Peace Silk" certificates and most of our other fabrics have a proof of being dead stock materials.
Our hunt for creating a more eco friendly brand doesn't end with our fabrics, but we try to implement it into every shoe and accessory we make. Using dead stock leather in our shoes and working with Yuma Labs in Antwerp who focus on creating sustainable sunglasses, using recycled lenses and frame material in all of our sunglasses. Our garments are produced in Belgium and Italy, where the manufacturers promises to pay a fair wage to all of its workers. We also keeping some of the garments to be created in house to make sure our ethics are being upheld to their best.
We like to keep our brand fun and unconventional, using unfamiliar materials to the fashion world like recycled trash bags or bottle caps, jar lids or even cardboard and paper as couture embellishments, also upcycling waste scraps from our studio for accessories like hair clips or head bands.
We worked closely with our packaging providers to minimise the environmental footprint of our packaging. Our shipping mailers are made using recycled materials. They are 100% recyclable and perfect for reusing. Help us minimize the damage to our environment and please make sure that you recycle your mailer if you don't want to reuse it.